Kit Rental
Terms & Conditions.
24 hours Prior 100% of total cost
48 hours Prior 50% of total cost
Please take time to read our terms before agreeing to a rental. If you have any questions, please reach out to our team, we’d be more than happy to advise on costs, kit advice and terms.
All pricing is by day rental, not including delivery & collection costs.
All pricing is excluding VAT, which is added at 20% with the quote.
Delivery (14:00 to 17:00) and collection (09:00 to 11:00) to South West (within 40 mile radius from Cheltenham) charged at £100 each way.
Terms and Conditions For The Hire Of Equipment
The terms and conditions set out below shall be the basis of all Contracts of Hire with Still Moving Media LLP which shall be concluded by a Rental Agreement form by any person, persons or body corporate and the handing over of goods by Still Moving Media LLP on the basis of such Rental Agreement.
In these terms and conditions “Still Moving Studios” & “StillMoving” means Still Moving Media LLP whose principal place of business is Unit 6, Furlong Park, Bishops Cleeve, GL52 8TW.
The hirer shall mean any person, persons or body corporate entering into a rental agreement with Still Moving Studios for the hire of goods and equipment. “Goods and equipment” referred to in “The terms and conditions” refer to those set out below and shall be the sole conditions of any contract with Still Moving Studios subject to any addition or amendment which shall be in writing and ratified by a Director of Still Moving Media LLP.
The Period of Hire:
1. The period of hire shall commence with the hirer taking possession of the equipment (whether or not such receipt shall have been from Still Moving Studios) and shall terminate when equipment is returned to an employee or directly at Still Moving Studios (located at Unit 6, Furlong Park, Bishops Cleeve, GL52 8TW).
2. Where equipment is delivered or collected by hirer, hirer’s servant or agents such delivery or collection is at the hirer’s risk and expense and the hirer shall be liable for physical loss and damage and delay to the equipment from the time the equipment leaves Still Moving Studios’s premises until it is returned to Still Moving Studios’s premises whether or not the equipment is being delivered or collected by Still Moving Studios or is in the custody of Still Moving Studios, it’s directors, servants or agents.
3. The hirer will provide adequate and appropriate insurance to cover the full, new for old replacement cost of the equipment.
4. The hirer must collect the equipment between 14:30hrs and end of business on the agreed on hire date and return the equipment by 11:00hrs on the agreed off hire date. In exceptional circumstances, these times can be changed to work to the hirer’s schedule with written permission from a Director of Still Moving Media LLP.
1. The hirer will satisfy themselves on taking possession of all equipment that it is in good working order and in undamaged condition, with all items and accessories listed on the Delivery Note or Hire Agreement to be present and undamaged.
2. All equipment on hire remains the absolute property of Still Moving Studios.
3. The hirer shall have no authority to transfer or otherwise part with possession of the equipment during the period of hire unless the express written consent of Still Moving Studios is first obtained.
4.In the event that the hirer intends to take equipment out of the main land of England, Scotland or Wales or use the same for any abnormal or hazardous assignment then consent must first be obtained from Still Moving Studios who may at their sole discretion vary the terms of the rental.
Damage or Loss to Equipment Hired:
1. It shall be the absolute responsibility of the hirer to ensure the safe keeping of equipment and the hirer will indemnify Still Moving Studios in respect of any loss or damage howsoever caused whilst in the hirer’s possession.
2. All damage or loss will be notified to Still Moving Studios immediately (or as soon as practicable) following which the goods must be returned to Still Moving Studios for repair or replacement should repair be uneconomic. The hirer may carry out repairs to the damaged equipment with the express consent of Still Moving Studios and shall otherwise make no attempt to examine, diagnose, repair or remove the outer casing of the equipment hired.
3. The hirer shall be liable to pay the full cost of repair and / or replacement of any equipment lost or damaged beyond repair with reference to new equipment of the same or nearest available specification.
4. In the event of loss or damage to equipment the period of hire will without further reference to the hirer extend until such time as full reimbursement for the cost of replacement of the lost or damaged equipment has been made whether or not such period extends beyond that of the original rental agreement.
1. Still Moving Studios shall not be liable under any circumstances whatsoever for losses incurred by the hirer due to faulty or non-functioning equipment during the period of hire. Still Moving Studios will however take all steps to ensure that faulty equipment is replaced as soon as possible with either the same or similar equipment.
2. The hirer will indemnify Still Moving Studios at all times fully against any liabilities, demands, actions, claims or proceedings arising from or in connection with the equipment hired.
3. In the event that the hirer shall create, use with or in conjunction to any equipment hired any unique or original material or matter Still Moving Studios shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of the loss, damage or imperfection of any such material and the hirer will fully indemnify Still Moving Studios in respect of any such claims by a third party.
Rental Fees:
1. During the Rental agreement the hirer will pay the rental fee as specified in the Rental Agreement plus V.A.T. In the event of the Rental Agreement specifying a daily rate then such rate will be charged to the end of the day on which the equipment is returned.
2. Still Moving Studios reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee not exceeding the full rental charge under the Rental Agreement if cancellation takes place within 24 hours of rental period commencing.
3. All fees under the Rental Agreement will be discharged at the time of the hirer returning the equipment or with the specific consent of Still Moving Studios up to thirty days after the date of any invoice subsequently issued.
4. Still Moving Studios reserve the right to charge at the daily rate for any late returned equipment, as per the above stated hours of before 11:00hrs the day of the agreed return date.
5. Still Moving Studios reserve the right to determine the contract and recover any equipment hired in the event of bankruptcy, insolvency or liquidation of the hirer.
6. Where the hirer is a body of corporate registered in the United Kingdom Still Moving Studios may in their sole discretion require a surety to the Rental Agreement. The surety hereby agrees to indemnify Still Moving Studios in respect of all sums due under the Contract of Hire in the event of partial or total default by the Hirer Company.
1. Payment for hire goods ordered shall be made at the time of delivery unless the customer shall have been granted a credit account. Still Moving Media LLP shall have agreed such facility in writing and the existence of a credit account will be indicated on the hire invoice together with the specific credit period. In the absence of any specific credit period the invoice shall be construed to express a maximum period of thirty days.
2. Still Moving Media LLP shall request upfront payment for any first-time rentals. Kit hire shall not go ahead before full payment is received from the hirer.
3. Where an order made by customers is accepted by Still Moving Media LLP and a deposit is paid over by the customer and such sum is agreed between the parties, Still Moving Media LLP reserve the right to retain the full amount of the deposit to set against any costs they incur in fulfilling the customer’s order.